Welcome to New England Free-mo

New England Free-mo is not a club in the traditional sense, but an open association of HO-scale modular model railroaders building to the Free-mo standards.

Our aim is toward making the scenery and structures on the modules to be prototypical through which realistic operations may be performed. Any type of scenery or era is welcome as long as we have good quality modeling. While we are New England based, we do not necessarily concentrate on New England themes or in any one span of time.

There is no formal organization – no dues, no elected nor appointed club officers, and no group owned equipment. Communication is via an email list to coordinate work and operation sessions, and to exchange ideas for improving our modules and equipment. Membership is open to anyone that is interested in Free-mo and is willing to commit to building a module and attending meets, even if only on an occasional basis.

We expect to attend meets several times a year as either part of larger model railroad shows or separately for private operating sessions – plus occasionally meeting during the year in smaller groups at members’ homes to assist in building each other’s modules and to share expertise.

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